Aspen/Pitkin County Airport 2012 Master Plan

The Aspen/Pitkin County Airport’s Master Plan is a guide to the airport’s needs, including the timing and cost for proposed improvements, an analysis of financing options, and a clear implementation plan. The goal of the master planning process is to provide general facility improvement guidelines that satisfy aviation demand while remaining compatible with the environment, other modes of transportation, community development, and other established community goals, such as affordable housing. The Master Plan has been updated from its 2004 version.

Specific objectives of this Master Plan Update include:

  • Preparing a 20-year development plan that is technically correct, environmentally sound, financially viable, and implementable
  • Identifying the airport’s land requirements needs to ensure the Airport’s long term operational viability
  • Focusing on community air service and sustainable

Download 2012 Master Plan Aspen/Pitkin County Airport 2012 Master Plan Update.pdf


Watch our informative videos for a summary of the key features of the 2012 Aspen/Pitkin County Airport Master Plan.

Watch VideoMaster Plan Update

Watch VideoThe Terminal

Watch VideoParking & Traffic