Approach & Departure
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IFR & VFR Approach Procedures
Establish the inbound flight path to require no more than a 20-degree bank angle to follow the noise abatement track. Observe all airspeed limitations and ATC instructions. Initial inbound altitude for noise abatement should be a descending path from 2,500 ft. AGL or higher. At the Final Approach Fix or not more than 4 miles from runway threshold, extend landing gear. Final landing flap configuration should be delayed at pilot’s discretion to enhance noise abatement. Use of the 3-degree PAPI or higher if possible is recommended. During landing, use minimum reverse thrust consistent with safety for runway conditions and available length.
Departure Procedures
IFR Departure Procedure
Use the Standard Instrument Departure (SID) as published and received in your clearance.
NOTE: It is recognized that aircraft performance will differ with aircraft type and takeoff conditions; therefore, the aircraft operator must determine whether takeoff thrust should be reduced prior to, during, or after flap retraction.
VFR Departure Procedure
As soon as possible, but no later than crossing airport boundary, turn right to a heading of 360 degrees and hold this heading for at least 2 miles from the airport.
NOTE: It is recognized that aircraft performance will differ with aircraft type and takeoff conditions; therefore, the aircraft operator must determine whether takeoff thrust should be reduced prior to, during, or after flap retraction.
Runway 15 takeoffs requires a waiver to be signed by Atlantic Aviation.
Nighttime General Aviation Operations
For all general aviation operations between 30 minutes after sunset to 2300 MST the following applies:
VFR Operations: Aircraft equipped as required under FAR 91.205 (D) for instrument flight and pilot is instrument rated; VFR pilot in command has completed at least one takeoff or landing in the preceding 12 months at ASE.
IFR Operations: Execute approach and departure procedures with air traffic control clearance.
The “WRAP” procedure is an operation controlled by the ASE ATCT under visual meteorological conditions (VMC) where a runway 33 departure offsets east of the runway 15 final, then turns westbound above or behind a runway 15 arrival.
- Increases airport efficiency.
- Reduces departure and arrival delays.
The “WRAP” procedure requires prompt and expeditious compliance with ATC instruction for traffic separation.