Operating Procedures
Notification of proposed crane or construction near the airport allows the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and airport operations to identify potential aeronautical hazards. Before erecting any crane, mobile or otherwise, please read the following information below to see if your project meets any of the criteria requisite to filing a FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration. Please note this process may take up to 90 days.
An FAA Form 7460-1 is required if ANY of the following criteria are met:
- Any construction or alteration within 20,000 feet of the Aspen /Pitkin County Airport which exceeds a 100:1 slope from any point on the nearest runway
- Any highway, railroad or another traverse way whose prescribed adjusted height would exceed the above-noted standards
- Any construction or alteration exceeding 200 feet above ground level, regardless of distance from the airport
- Any construction or alteration actually located on the airport, regardless of height or location
- When requested by the FAA
If you have additional questions, please contact Airport Operations at 970-379-8406.
The FAA has an online notice criteria tool that can be used to determine if an application is required.
At least 48 hours prior to Crane erection contact Airport Operations with the crane height and site longitude/latitude at 970-379-8406 as a NOTAM (Notices to Air Missions) issuance is an airport policy.