Noise abatement procedures should be made part of the routine in operating aircraft in and out of all airports, not just Sardy Field. Aircraft operators must take the initiative and responsibility to obtain all pertinent information on the local noise abatement policies followed at this airport:
Stage I Aircraft:
No Person shall operate any Aircraft to, from, or on the Airport that is Stage I, pursuant to the noise rating standards of FAR Part 36.
Stage II Aircraft:
No Person shall conduct any Nighttime Operations in an Aircraft that is certificated as Stage 2, pursuant to the noise rating standards of FAR Part 36.
Stage III Aircraft:
No Person shall arrive at the Airport in an Aircraft that is certificated as Stage III, pursuant to the noise rating standards of FAR Part 36, between 2300 and 0700 MST.
No Person shall depart from the Airport in an Aircraft that is certificated as Stage III between 2230 and 0700 MST.